Is US Regulation the Single Biggest Threat to Bitcoin?
[Reading time: 9 minutes] On March 4, 2013 I gave a talk titled just like this post at the New York City Bitcoin Meetup. The talk blurb read: If you are a Bitcoin ecosystem participant (user,...
View ArticlePerformance+Compliance: The Business Challenge of the Day
[Reading time: 6 minutes] As the twenty‐first century unfolds, new and higher stakeholder expectations challenge organizations to achieve performance goals and increase shareholder value while at the...
View ArticleIt’s Official: Foreign Bitcoin Operators Servicing Texas Residents Must...
[Reading Time: 3 minutes] As of May 1, the state of Texas became the second US state to explicitly require foreign-located money transmitters (including Bitcoin exchangers and administrators) to obtain...
View ArticleThe Criminal Precedent that Could Curb Bitcoin’s Enthusiasm
[Reading Time: 10 minutes] In July of 2008, after months of wrangling with the Department of Justice (DOJ), E-Gold, Ltd.’s senior management and directors pleaded guilty to the following charges:...
View ArticleDwolla Account Seizure Reveals Mt Gox on Brink of US Indictment
[Reading Time: 8 minutes] The US District of Maryland seizure warrant that stopped Dwolla in its tracks this week reveals in good detail that the Department of Homeland Security, the US federal agency...
View Article2013-06-01 Crypto Timeline
Here is a log with relevant legal, regulatory and business milestones in the crypto-currency race to maturity with links to trusted sources. Please point me to any events that you consider important...
View ArticleThe End of Bitcoin as We Know It
[Reading Time: 7 minutes] (Or as hard-core Bitcoiners want it, I should say.) Rocky week for the crypto-currency world this past one! All of the following happened over the course of the last seven to...
View ArticleA Trip to Northwestern Europe
Every time I go to Europe, in spite of the doomsday mongering we all hear in the news, I find it colorful, vibrant, full of amazing art, incredible beauty and endless opportunity. I’ll let these images...
View Article“Most Bitcoiners Are Unaware or In A State of Deep Denial”
[Reading Time: 8 minutes] Interview with David Landsman, Executive Director of the National Money Transmitters Association (NMTA) – PART ONE In the past couple of weeks I have noticed in my...
View Article“Bitcoiners Must Understand that Compliance is Just the Beginning”
[Reading Time: 15 minutes] Interview with David Landsman, Executive Director of the National Money Transmitters Association (NMTA) – PART TWO Longer post than usual, I’m aware, but well worth it –the...
View ArticleBitcoiners In Denial + Compliance Just the Beginning (Redux)
[Reading Time: 4 minutes] For the benefit of those whose low tolerance for verbosity may have caused them to miss my insights-laden interview with David Landsman, Executive Director of the National...
View Article2013-07-01 Crypto-Timeline
Here is a log with relevant legal, regulatory and business milestones in the crypto-currency race to maturity with links to trusted sources. The June 2013 Key Events were: 6/10/2013 – LibertyBit...
View ArticleWinklevii Warn Investors in Their ETF that Bitcoin May Become Illegal
[Reading Time: 6 minutes] Apart from the cookie-cutter risks everyone is required by law to disclose, the Winklevoss Bitcoin Trust prospectus contains a series of unique risk factors that would make...
View ArticleThe Hidden Rule that Could Kill Bitcoin’s Irrevocability
[Reading Time: 6 minutes] If federal anti-money laundering rules ‘killed’ Bitcoin’s anonymity, could consumer protection rules ‘kill’ its irrevocability? Last March, the crypto-currency world was...
View Article2013-08-01 Crypto-Timeline
Here is a log with relevant legal, regulatory, law enforcement and business risk milestones in the crypto-currency race to maturity with links to trusted sources. The July 2013 Key Crypto-Events were...
View Article“Compliance-Enabled Legitimacy is Key to Bitcoin’s Survival”
[Reading Time: 9 minutes] Interview with Megan Burton, founder and CEO of CoinX Early last month, at a Bitcoin pitch contest organized by Ultra Light Startups, the winner, Atlanta-based CoinX, beat the...
View ArticleIs Bitcoin Selling its Soul to the State?
[Reading Time: 5 minutes] This question or some variation of it has actually been posed to me by many virtual currency enthusiasts over the past few months. It so happens that the financial services...
View Article2013-09-01 Crypto-Timeline
Here is a log with relevant legal, regulatory, law enforcement and business risk milestones in the crypto-currency race to maturity with links to trusted sources. The Key August 2013 Crypto-Events...
View ArticleNo Banking, No Bitcoin
[Reading Time: 4 minutes] Last Friday’s news that the Internet Archive Federal Credit Union (IAFCU) had shut down Tradehill’s account must have sent chills down the spine of every virtual currency...
View ArticleThe Value of a Necessary Evil
[Reading Time: 3 minutes] Over the past few years, I have been polling compliance professionals around the world, anonymously, of course, on how compliance and risk management are treated by their...
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